March 16, 2017Live Your Dreams
September 6, 2018

What if we hired people who did not look at teaching as a “career” but as a “passion”?
My Innovator’s Mindset IMMOOC journey has been filled with lots of questions. When considering the What If Questions in section two the book, this particular “What If Question” really got me fired up. What if we hired people who did not look at teaching as a “career” but as a “passion”?
I’m at a point in growing my business where I would love to hire Learning Coaches to support in program development and instruction BUT….. I have to be honest I am afraid! This “What If Question” is exactly why. I don’t want someone who looks at teaching as simply a career, I need someone who is passionate. I need someone with the capacity to connect with colleagues, parents and most importantly students. I need someone who is innovative, willing to take risk and a life long learner. I’m sure I could create a full list of all the needs and wants but really, it all starts with passion.
There are many who have teaching as a career, which is fine, ( well, not really). I think anyone that knows me ,knows this is not just a career. (I really think, I’ll be teaching in heaven.) Even when transitioning to Anguilla B.W.I. and initially not finding a teaching job, was another turning point in my career that reminded me, it’s not about a job, it’s my passion and my passion side business ( Branches Of Learning) became my full time love. I also realized, that no matter where I go in the world, I would teach.
One of my favorite graphics below shows the connections between your passion, mission, profession (career) and vocation which all connect with your purpose or your “Why”. Could you imagine the level of innovation with teachers who knew their purpose; passionate teachers who the world needs, are great at what they do, love it and get paid for it?

So this question has really made be look at what characteristics I’ll be looking for in the Learning Coaches I hire to create a dynamic team at Branches Of Learning. I completely understand that the person I hire may not have the same level of passion as me but PASSION is REQUIRED!
But here’s a scary question, what if I couldn’t teach?